BE A MEMBER BARANGAY CLUB OF INDIANA 3 BCI MEMBERSHIP PLANSPRICING 1) Individual: $20/year or $200/lifetime 2) Family: $40/year or $250.00/lifetime Family membership is for whole family and does not change for number of family members Family membership includes all children under 18 years old Children of lifetime members are considered members until they turn 18 years old Register by completing the application then mail your check after indicating in the comment box that check will be mailed. PAYMENTS options: Mail registration and payment to: (checks payable to BCI) Barangay Club of Indiana, Inc. (BCI) c/o Linda Avila 253 Hunters Trail Zionsville, IN 46077 Zelle payments: Venmo payments: @BCI-Indy BCI Membership Application Order Number First Name * Last Name * Email * Contact Phone Number * Street Address * (Must be an Indiana Resident) Zip Code * (Must be an Indiana Zip Code) New Registration or Membership Renewal * New Renewal Individual or Family Registration * Individual - One Year $20 (18 yrs and above) Individual - Lifetime $200 (18 yrs and above) Family - One Year $40 (Dependents below 18 yrs) Comments / Questions REGISTER and PAY ONLINEPlans FAMILY MEMBERSHIP - NEW INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP - NEW FAMILY MEMBERSHIP - LIFETIME INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP - LIFETIME FAMILY MEMBERSHIP - RENEWAL INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP - RENEWAL Our SponsorsWe want to thank all of our special sponsors for supporting Barangay of Indiana